“Flying” explained.

I realise my last  post was a bit cryptic:)   I wrote it in a hurry just before we left to go on a camp quality camp for the weekend(which by the way was awesome!), and it seems I have confused some people.

It stemmed from the fact that when we finally got home that evening, after a 15 hour day, I felt quite a bit like I do after a long haul flight back to Canada. And the more I thought about it, I realised that a lot of the activities we did were quite similar to what you would do on a flight- mostly sitting, waiting,watching the little tv’s, going to the toilet, and being served by the stewardesses.  So, no, we are not in Canada, and, yes the “stewardesses” are actually nurses, the “in flight entertainment system” is our iPad, you can’t actually get a jar to pee in on a normal airplane, instead of falling asleep naturally on the plane, Sam was given general anaesthetic for his lumbar puncture, and instead of a sleeping mask, pen and postcard, we got a canister to put used cytotoxic needles in, some chemotherapy pills, rubber gloves and goggles.

So for anyone who has gone on a long flight, but has not had a child in the oncology day clinic, that’s the best comparison I can come up with to give a bit of an idea of how I feel at the end of one of our days up there…. With a few minor differences.


1 thought on ““Flying” explained.

  1. A “good” no – better than that – “awesome” parent is quite able to enter a fantasy land with his/her child – if it is a flight to Canada, so much the better. We were completely taken by the “trip” you took and were quite sure we could phone to Saskatoon and talk to you in person. Hah! Other adults sometimes don’t quite understand these things eh! Thanks for explaining tho’ –
    That is some journey you are on with your son. . . and seems to me that you are doing an awesome job of walking through the dark valley with him. Bless you both. Hang on tightly to the hope you saw in the young man who was declared “free of disease” ! It happens a lot.

    love you

    Uncle Don Auntie Ina

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